Payment Instructions

1. Competition Fee: LKR 6000.00 (SEAMO 2024)
2. Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
3. Late payments will result in the automatic cancellation of your seat for the competition.
4. Make sure to indicate the student candidate number, email or name while making the payment as a reference.

Payment Options

Option 1 - Bank Deposit (Sampath Bank)

Please deposit the appropriate registration fee to the following bank and send a copy of the deposit slip by email ( or WhatsApp (+94 771569266) to reach us.

Account Name: IOSL Educations Pvt Ltd
Account No: 008210003801
Branch: Nawala
Swift Code: BSAMLKLX

Option 2 - Online Payment Gateway

Please click below to proceed with the payment for the competition fee.

Please click below to proceed with the payment for the Training Sessions.

Option 3 - Online Transfer (From All Banks)

Please transfer the appropriate registration fee by using any online banking facility to the following bank and send a screenshot by email ( or WhatsApp (+94 771569266) to reach us.

Account Name: VitZit Technologies Pvt Ltd
Account No: 008210002759
Branch: Nawala
Swift Code: BSAMLKLX

Option 4 - Pay Online (No PayPal Account Needed - 5% surcharge will be added)

CAN Number
Mobile Number